
a rant

I am tired of people who tell me they have no money for their kids, yet you can tell from the smell of them, and their child/child's belongings, that they obviously smoke a lot.

I get that nicotine is an addiction, please do not say that to me in the comments. Most of my family has dealt with addiction to either nicotine, alcohol and/or illegal substances.

However, addictions can be broken.

If you have to choose between a freaking pack of smokes each day and dinner for your kid, I am sorry, but if your child eating is not the priority here then you are a lousy human being.

And you can say that the cost of cigarettes does not equal the cost of food, so giving it up would not help feed the family. Lie. Cigarettes are a few dollars a pack. With three bucks, you can buy an entire loaf of bread, pack of cheese and some butter. Grilled cheese for all! You can buy noodles and sauce. Yay spaghetti! You can buy a box of macaroni and cheese and some tuna to throw in for protein. Not my tast, but most kids love it. You can buy eggs and a box of add water only pancake mix. Breakfast for dinner, love it!

Buying cigarettes to feed your addiction while your kids sit hungry is selfish. It's cruel. It's abusive.
