
moving mania

Well, we moved! What a crazy week it's been, too.

Last Friday, we were off school due to parent-teacher conferences. The downside of PTC week is working til 7:30 at night. The upside is Friday off. Not exactly a fair trade, but we take what we get, right? Melody graciously offered to come over Friday and help me pack, since she could not help me move on Saturday. We got a ton done! In 4 hours we packed over 2/3 of the apartment. I owe her big time! (She also brought me an egg souffle and gingerbread latte from Panera for breakfast, just cause she's awesome like that.)

Friday night, Bryan came into town to assist with the moving on Saturday. He brought his dog, which was an adventure in itself with our cats. I am sure Lucy just wanted to play, but our cats were frantic. They were positive that Lucy wanted to eat them. The funniest part of having Lucy there was that Bryan tied her to his ankle to keep her away from the cats while him and Donald killed digital zombies, but until they heard slurping in the kitchen, neither of them realized that Lucy had chewed through her leash and escaped!

Saturday, I woke up 2 hours before the alarm, unable to sleep anymore. I had two sleeping people in the house, though, so I was pretty limited on what I could get done. When I finally woke them up and they got around, we brought Lucy to the new house, picked up the UHaul and I sent Donald and Bryan back to the apartment while I went to the bank.

Arriving at the apartment, I found many dear people putting my furniture and boxes into the big truck. I love my friends. There is no other way to put it. People who will help you move for nothing more than thanks and a taco are awesome in my book! Almost as soon as I arrived, the man who was to install our internet called and needed me at the new house. Now, it was only 10:30 am. I was told he'd come between 10 and 5. When, other than when it's inconvenient, would they ever come only a half hour into the 7 hour window?? Oh well, I left to go to the new house, meet the internet man and walk Lucy.

Lauren came to the new house and when everyone got here with the full UHaul and cars with crammed full back seats and trunks, we went out to help unload. We got everything unloaded, decided on Taco Bell for lunch and left. I went to pick up lunch. Donald and Bryan took the UHaul back, followed by Chris who took them to the apartment. Joel let everyone in the apartment where they continued to pack and pile things in cars. (Awkwardest moment of the day? Seeing Joel carry a drawer full of my panties to his car.)

We all ate on the floor of the apartment, then when the cars were full, we brought round two, including the cats, to the new house.

It was then that we found fleas. Lots of fleas. ARGH. We unloaded stuff, took the cats back to the apartment and flea bombed the apartment. We had to vacate while it was done, so we went to eat at Tasia. At this point, the cough and raspy voice I'd had all day became an all-out sickness. I was in major pain, could barely swallow and had little voice. By the time we got to the house, all I could do was sleep on the couch while Donald and Bryan went to get the pets at the apartment.

The next three days, I remained sick on the couch, unpacking a couple things here and there, but mostly just lying down, and eating only soup. I got up on Monday for a few hours. Donald and I went to Freedom Appliance and bought a used fridge, then cleaned some at the apartment. Donald vacuumed the bedrooms and I did some laundry, and cleaned the bathroom. We could not stay too long, since they were coming to deliver the fridge.

Tuesday, we flea bombed again. I took the cats to the apartment and cleaned while it was done. I cleaned the windows, vacuumed baseboards, washed walls and scrubbed out the fridge.

Wednesday, I tried going to school. I was tired by the end of the day and had barely any voice. But I had asked CU to shut off the utilities in the apartment on Friday morning, so I had to turn over the keys on Thursday. So I went to the apartment while Donald was at school and finished the cleaning. I cleaned the kitchen counters and floor, scrubbed the oven (3 times!) with easy off, and finished all the vacuuming. By the time I got home, I was sicker than ever. I was crying and vomiting and in tons of pain. I had majorly overdone it. I did not return to school the rest of the week.

Thursday, I layed on the couch yet again. Then we went for our walk through and to had in our keys. My cleaning efforts paid off, we are getting our entire security deposit back!! She said it was amazing how good of shape our apartment was in after we lived there 6 years.

Friday, I was off work, but used the time well. I changed our address at the post office and bank, as well as calling and changing it with the bank, my work, my retirement accounts, student loans, insurance, cell phones and my magazine subscriptions. I went back to Freedom Appliance and got us a used washer/dryer set. I grocery shopped, which was needed so desperately! Then, more laying on the couch. That afternoon, I unpacked the kitchen. That night, they delivered our washer and dryer! It's so nice not to have to deal with laundromats. Unfortunately, the dryer plug did not match the outlet, so it was still unusable. We ate with friends at my beloved Purple Burrito, then Donald went to watch 2012 and I went home to sleep.

Yesterday, Donald took his graduation exam at OTC and we did some more unpacking.

Today, we went to church and Lowes. We got a new dryer power cord that matched the outlet and I changed it all by myself! I was very proud of myself for this. When I was done, nothing blew up, no one got electrocuted and the clothes got dried, so I assume I did it right. But....the washer was leaking water from the supply hose. I went to walmart and got new hoses and fixed that, too! (I'm now ready to rent myself out as a handy woman.) I also got to watch my boys win at oakland. It was a very sloppy game, fumbles, sacks, interceptions. But beating the raiders will always make me happy.

Tomorrow, I have MAP-A training, so I will once again be gone from school. In 11 calendar days, I will have been at school 1. What craziness and insanity will await my return???

Last night, we had the lovely experience of having our neighbor children beat each other up in our yard, then knock on our doors and windows and run away. Also, flea bombing twice has not completely cured the problem, so the professionals will be coming out to do the job instead.

Other than those two things, it's going pretty well in our new home! There is still quite a bit of unpacking to do, but we are getting it done. It would be done already, had I not been sick.