
He has a way with words...

God does not speak in literal words to me often. Sometimes I really wish He would. But He mainly nudges my heart and spirit and seems to gently guide me. But, when He does speak in words, He certainly knows how to get my attention!

Yesterday, I was asked/invited to do a service ministry that evening. I got the invite via text and thought, "'s raining and cold and supposed to snow later and I have work to do for school. I don't really feel like it." I read the text to Donald and he said he was not super excited to go, either. I picked up my phone to text back that we couldn't go. (Couldn't is a stretch here, as we COULD...but did not want to. I was justifing "couldn't" by saying I HAD to do school stuff, even knowing that I could do it today instead.) Just as I unlocked the phone to type, God spoke. Clearly, concisely and in words.

He said, "Jonah did not WANT to go to Ninevah, either."

This got my attention. I told Donald I was going to go anyway. He said he'd come, too.

Now, I know that statement could have many meanings (sadness, threatening, instructing, etc.), but I did not stop and ask for interpretation. I just figured if it was serve or be swallowed by a whale and THEN serve (because Jonah did not get out of doing what he was asked, he just was delayed by disobedience and a whale)...then I'm gonna go with serve.

Plus...I've been asking God for a lot lately (patience, job for Donald, healing for Papa), so it would seem that to ask and never give is certainly wrong.

There are a lot of reasons I should have said yes without God having to tell me to (for starters, because it was the right thing to do). I did not. That makes me disappointed in myself. I wish I had wholeheartedly said yes right away without the prompt. (Although the rare occasion of hearing God's voice is nice.) I am glad I went and I really hope that next time, I won't have to hear Him tell me to.

I am also glad I went, because it saved God the trouble of getting a whale into a landlocked state and in position to swallow me.