

Why does dreaming come in spurts? I won't dream for months, then suddenly, 15 dreams a night for a week. How does that work?

Also, when you do dream, why do you wake up feeling completely exhausted? Is you body actually awake and performing these dreams in an alternate world?

Why are my dreams either insane or mundane, but no in between?

Why have I never, ever had the most common dreams of flying and falling?


Mercutio said...

If you're looking for a serious answer, here's what I know.

Dreaming mostly occurs during REM sleep. Your sleep cycles are usually the same where you go from consciousness thru REM into your deeper sleep, then back up to touch REM, then back down again, until you wake up.

Sometimes sleep patterns can be disturbed by stress, weather, changes in diet, etc.

My guess is, since so many people I know are having trouble sleeping, that it has to do with the weather.

If you spend more time than usual in the lighter REM sleep, then you will wake up less rested than usual.

I hope I didn't just type a bunch of things everyone knows. :)