
in shock

Sometimes people say things that just utterly shock me. Like to the point where I do not know if I should slap them or just laugh at their baffling lack of a filter.

Today was one of those moments. And what was said hurt me, for obvious reasons, but I am not totally sure it was intended to sting. She may have been kidding, or thinking she was just being sarcastic. Or she may have been being mean, I don't know this lady well enough to judge that.

She looked at me and said, "I don't know why you are complaining, your husband works nights and it's not like you have kids or anything important to get home to like some of us do."

Excuse me? My life is unimportant because I don't have kids? Gee, thanks.


Mercutio said...

Ouch. Take a dose of never talking to this person again, and call your doctor in the morning.

A slap would have worked too.

Anonymous said...


Probably more than sarcasm, poor humor or being mean.. she just had a bad case of idiot.


Anonymous said...

i say we kill her.......i know people

you should be able to guess who this is

Diego said...

I say we tell Jack Bauer she paid Nina Myers to kill his wife and David Palmer and then step back and watch the show.