

Gabbie is 6 today. (In real life, in my head she hasn't even turned one yet.) The little, sweet, angel doll baby is growing up so fast. She's in school now. She can dress herself and write her name. She can express her opinions (and drive her mother crazy in the process). She holds entire conversations that make total sense.

She still makes me smile, just like she did as a baby. But now, she can also make me laugh! She is unintentionally hilarious. She cheers me up and makes a bad day better, just by her sheer Gabbieness.

I feel sorry for people who don't have a Gabbie in their life.

Gabbie is 6. 6 years old. Where does 6 years go?

Happy birthday, Gabbie! I can't wait to see where the next 6 years takes you. (Although...I am certainly not ready to think of you as a teenager...) You'll always be that special, beautiful, porcelain baby I met on a cold december night 6 years ago. I am so glad you came into my life. Thanks for being you.


Diego said...

Joey and I are picking out places to leave what's left of the teenage boys who chase after her. Anyone want in?