
happy week!

This upcoming week, I have deemed "Happy Week" in my room. I told all my kids that it is the last three days of school (with 2 hour early release on wednesday!) and that we ARE going to all be happy, get along, stay out of time out, have fun and be friends. That this is the last time we get to see each other for 2 and a half months and since some of them are changing schools, we may not see each other for a long time (truthfully ever in some cases, but that may be too difficult for them to hear). So we want to leave with happy memories in our hearts.

Lets see if they go for it.



My first year at my current school, I started with 4 students...yes, I quickly escalated to 6 and ended the year with 8...but originally, I got to settle in with 4. That was nice.

This year, I started with 6 (it was supposed to be 8, but two moved before school started). I am ending with 8 again.

Next year, I am projected to start with 9.

So, it was plus 2 for the second year, plus 3 for the third...if this pattern continues, will I start with 13 next year??

(See, i can do math when I need to!)



In lieu of blogging, I've been thinking. There has been a lot to think about in the past month of blog silence. I can't even explain all I've been thinking about, nor would I if I could.

Some things aren't for the internet. They are for my thoughts alone, or prayers to God, or quiet conversations with those who know me best and love me anyway. They aren't meant for 2 sentence comments. They are meant for emotional response.

Some things hurt to much to be put where they can be used as ammunition.

Some things mean to much, are too precious, are too special, to be shared with the world at large.

Some things are too shameful to want read by people who won't understand...or to be heard by anyone at all, sometimes.

Some things are too judgmental to feel fair...they are safer inside.

Some things can't be expressed in words...they are too abstract or complex for the keyboard to handle.

These things I've been thinking take too much time. That's why I've been absent. But I'll be back. With thoughts that can be blogged, expressed, shared and commented upon.